What does Responsible Management of Licensed Venues mean?
It is acting within the Liquor Act 1992 and Liquor Regulations 2002 by managing a licensed venue in a reasonable fashion, looking after your customers and being aware of your obligations the rights of your neighbour and the general community to remain undisturbed by your business.
Who should do the course?
Anyone who wishes to obtain a Queensland Approved Manager (Liquor) Licence. The RMLV course is mandatory for this licence. It is also recommended that anyone involved in the management of licensed venues attend the course to provide a grounding in the legislative framework.
Why should I do it?
Increase knowledge of licensing laws.
Assessing intoxication and refusal of service requirements.
Provide responsibility to the licensee, nominee and staff
Increase excellence in the hospitality industry
To gain employment or to ensure continuation of employment – from 1 January 2009 RSA became a mandatory training requirement for all persons involved in the service of liquor in Queensland
How much does it cost?
The total cost is $395 per person, payable in advance.
What are the prerequisites for the course?
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Content: Duration 10 hours.
- Comply with the legislative framework within which the business operates.
- Know the effects of alcohol on the body and health in general together with the positive and negative impact on all parties concerned.
- Understand the types of licences and permits available and the authority each one has.
- Reading and understanding the licence document, trading hours and trading conditions.
- Implement the RSA strategies to reduce the harm associated with liquor use on licensed premises.
- Monitoring and mitigating the impact of noise.
- Identifying best practice management and patron management strategies.
- Familiarisation with networks to support management.
- Identifying and managing risk associated with the management of licensed venues.
- Benefits of good management.
Literacy, Numeracy and Special Needs
LGS Training is committed to assisting students with differing abilities to succeed.
Should you require any special assistance such as literacy or numeracy help, disability access or other physical or learning needs, please let us know at the time of booking. The RMLV course includes a group activity and written assessment. We can provide an oral assessment for learners with language or literacy difficulties. With prior approval from the training manager an interpreter may accompany learners during training.